乔琪·斯通:梦想人生 HD

类型:纪录片  地区:澳大利亚  年份:2022 


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  《乔琪·斯通:梦想人生》上映于2022年,Georgie Stone领衔主演,五百影院第一时间收录了《乔琪·斯通:梦想人生》免费在线观看地址。
Spanning 19 years, The Dreamlife of Georgie Stone reveals the memories of Georgie Stone, an Australian transgender teen as she helps change laws, affirms her gender, finds her voice, and emerges into adulthood.   The Dreamlife Project, a collaborative storytelling campaign developed and led by an advisory committee of young transgender, gender diverse and non-binary people, will ...

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